Monday, May 21, 2007


Everybody knows that the most important people are always in the background. The question that we should make to ourselves is “Am I belonging to the background people?!” Answering yes or no it is not a smart answer, since all the answers need corroboration.

Last Saturday I came to the office and an Indian colleague said that he would like to have a conversation with me. He began talking “I just want listen your wisdom about a tricky problem.” I was surprised. I know that some people are counting on me, but I never eared literally such words. The conversation was off record. This morning we met on the street while we were coming to work. The guy with a huge smile in the face said “I’ve sent a second e-mail as you told me, and finally they got my point.

Rewinding the tape… about one year ago, a guy has requested help about a single math exercise, at MOOsaico. Well, I never liked the guy so I’ve remained in silence. The feeling was mutual. I knew that someone will answer to the problem, so I didn’t have bored with the issue. Two days after, the guy comes with a personal message requesting help from me about the same math exercise plus three extra exercises. I said “Look, in the other day, the girl has explained to you the problem.” He replied “Yes and I have understood a shit. I have a test tomorrow. I really need to know how to solve these exercises.” I have solved the exercises with all the explanations step by step in a text file. The funny thing is that the negative feeling between us has disappeared.

Another story (and the last of this post) was 4 years ago. A colleague was in troubles, he was talking about his problem with one or two colleagues. Usually when someone tells a story to one persona, in a few days everybody knows about the story. :-s I was astonished. The guy was completely stuck. He could not have done anything, only the surrounding people could help him. I’ve got the same problem when I started my PhD passing 4 months without receiving a cent. Yes, I’ve helped the guy. He only had a few euros in the pocket. He was buying cheap pickled food.

After a few days an old colleague comes into my office and gives me a big package. I have opened it. Inside there was a statue of an angel. I have asked “What this means? It’s not my birthday!” She puts her hands on my shoulder and says: “You are an angel.

Ok, let’s clean these tears… Each time I remember the last story, some tears insist on coming into the eyes. I wonder why!?

Am I someone in the background?! I don’t know, but at least I feel like it.

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