Sunday, July 8, 2007


Today I went to my mother’s house... to visit the dog. The dog is a Doberman (named King) with all most 7 years old. He had a surgery this past Thursday. The right back leg was removed, he had a bone cancer. It's quite choking to see King without a leg.

Well... I have decided to take Mr. Vain with me. Some fresh air from the country will be good for him. I've put the cat on a travel bag and... Here we go.

On the way, I have noticed a bad smell; I thought the cat was flatulent. WRONG... I had a piece of shit on the bag. Ok, the cat has his needs, it was just an accident. I've just washed everything. When coming back, the smell was stronger. STUPID CAT, another piece of shit of the bag, but this time it was more liquid. Again I've washed everything. The cat is at the verandah and he will not enter in the house while he does not wash itself completely.

I have a cat which has afraid to travel in a car. Huumm, I'm thinking on change his name to Mr. Cagones.


Unknown said...

You should learn something about cats.
They stick to houses and not people, so they hate travelling.
He did that maybe cause he was afraid and nervous.
So the one who should be on the balcony right now would be you!

Why people get pets without knowing the basics first?

Single Mind said...

*ironic mode*
Really?! I didn't know about that. Waw, you are teaching me new things.
*/ironic mode*

Do you call a balcony to an external area of 20 m^2?! I don't think so... and no... it is not a terrace. So I think the cat has enough space to run and play. My bedroom has only 17 m^2. Believe me… he was lucky last night.
Basically I went off with the cat because I do not know why is mewing since a few days. I have the impression that the cat lived in a house with a garden before I found him.
Perhaps he wants pets and sleep on my lap as before, but I can not do that while I'm steel bleeding from a surgery. Yes... It was me and the dog. Let see who's next.

By the way, did you get the message on your previous comment?!

Nuno Almeida said...

Essa sensibilidade para com os animais penso que dirá muito sobre a tua maneira de ser. Muito mais do que a imagem que tentas passar nos teus mundinhos "virtuais".
Li alguns posts na diagonal e reparei que falas muito em ajudar as pessoas, que gostas de ajudar, que és amiga, que pessoas que nao gostavam de ti, logo que te conhecem gostam logo, etc etc.

Penso que isso é tudo treta. Primeiro, ninguem que não sofra de uma certa insegurança sobre a sua relação com os outros precisaria de estar sempre a mencionar isso, segundo essa imagem de abnegação e amor
ao próximo choca com a impressão que as pessoas tem logo que te conheçem, que é a de seres estremamente antipática e petulante.

Este blog é sem duvida o espelho da tua personalidade, basta ler nas entrelinhas.

Single Mind said...

Better Mr. nalm1974.
In fact it is your opinion since a long long time ago. You really do not need to read all the messages to express such opinion. By the way, I'm glad that you have put an end to the anonymous critics.