Last September I have bought two carnivorous plants. :)

I have not seen any new leaf until the end of February. The Nepenthes mirabilis has been growing with the hot weather, this last weekend a second new leaf becomes mature and brightly opened. The old traps are becoming spoiled. Only one trap remains closed along these months and a new one is growing.

I thought that I will lose the Sarracenia hybrid. The leaves are old and without color at the tips. This morning I have noticed many small and thin leaves growing as if it was grass leaves.

Until this moment, I don’t have flies, mosquitos or other bugs at home. Of course, sometimes I see small bugs on the kitchen window, but after a few hours I don’t see any bug. The plants are positioned near the kitchen window, where it is sunny and hot.
I have paid a little fortune for two minuscule plants, but at least they do their job.
I have paid a little fortune for two minuscule plants, but at least they do their job.
Do you know that when those plants start to grow, they often start to smell incredibly BAD!!!
I hope it doesn't happen that one day you arrive home, after a nice warm spring day, and your house smells like if there was a pile of animal corpses under your kitchen table ;)
They already smell badly, but you only notice that if you have your nose about a few centimeters from them. The smell is a characteristic of them to attract the insects and it is not compared with your smell description. :) Some of my friends does not notice the smell.
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