How many times you have tried to please someone and how many times you have really pleased who you want?! I deduce that often times. But if this someone was me, I’m sure that your rate of success would be not so high.
This last weekend I have remembered an episode with an ex-boyfriend. Usually I don’t like to be stucked on a relationship, well… what I want to say is that I like to put everything moving, changing in a way to not transform the relationship into a boring routine. Basically, no one gets bored with me, but I really don’t want get bored, otherwise… (you know the story).
One day:
Boy: “What to you want that I do to please you?!”
Me: “Just surprise me!”
Boy: “But how?!”
Me: “Use your imagination.”
In fact, he has not used his imagination. I wonder if he someday will have this gift. He has tried to please me, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful. He has offered me some jewellery. I have refused, I could not accept that, but he was so insistent… oh well, the jewellery in on a little box since a few years ago.
Some years before, someone gave me books. Ok, I like to read; I have hundred of books, but to give a book you should know the type of readings that someone likes. On another occasion someone gave me a Rap CD music… (no comments). To give lingerie without knowing the correct size is nonsense. I have bras at home which are 3 sizes above mine.
It’s so easy to please a girl (well… me), why people just turn everything complicated? Here are some unforgettable moments of my life:
- A stolen rose from a garden by the morning just after wake up.
- A kiss under a thunderstorm on the street.
- To be kidnapped for a romantic weekend.
- To be carried on a man arms into the bedroom.
- A man hand on our face to clean the tears without asking what’s wrong.
- A look into the eyes, a tied hug and a silent company.
- To be waked up at 5 a.m. just to heard “I love you.”
- To be pushed for a dance with a craft candy on his mouth instead a rose.
- …
And some more. Many people say that I’m complicated. I call myself a dreamer and a friend of mine calls me the eternal romantic. Today I finish this message with a rose… a rose for you who reads these few words.
This last weekend I have remembered an episode with an ex-boyfriend. Usually I don’t like to be stucked on a relationship, well… what I want to say is that I like to put everything moving, changing in a way to not transform the relationship into a boring routine. Basically, no one gets bored with me, but I really don’t want get bored, otherwise… (you know the story).
One day:
Boy: “What to you want that I do to please you?!”
Me: “Just surprise me!”
Boy: “But how?!”
Me: “Use your imagination.”
In fact, he has not used his imagination. I wonder if he someday will have this gift. He has tried to please me, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful. He has offered me some jewellery. I have refused, I could not accept that, but he was so insistent… oh well, the jewellery in on a little box since a few years ago.
Some years before, someone gave me books. Ok, I like to read; I have hundred of books, but to give a book you should know the type of readings that someone likes. On another occasion someone gave me a Rap CD music… (no comments). To give lingerie without knowing the correct size is nonsense. I have bras at home which are 3 sizes above mine.
It’s so easy to please a girl (well… me), why people just turn everything complicated? Here are some unforgettable moments of my life:
- A stolen rose from a garden by the morning just after wake up.
- A kiss under a thunderstorm on the street.
- To be kidnapped for a romantic weekend.
- To be carried on a man arms into the bedroom.
- A man hand on our face to clean the tears without asking what’s wrong.
- A look into the eyes, a tied hug and a silent company.
- To be waked up at 5 a.m. just to heard “I love you.”
- To be pushed for a dance with a craft candy on his mouth instead a rose.
- …
And some more. Many people say that I’m complicated. I call myself a dreamer and a friend of mine calls me the eternal romantic. Today I finish this message with a rose… a rose for you who reads these few words.

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