Friday, November 16, 2007

Mr. Vain (Reload)

Do you remember Mr. Vain?! He is soooo big, last month he had 4.4Kg of weight. His bathroom was located at the veranda, but 2 weeks ago I’ve moved it to the laundry. I can not have the window of the living room opened all the time, since the temperature is decreasing.

Mr. Vain was always happy after a bathroom session, I mean… after shitting, he always ran inside the living room happy. I always thought the cat felt good after relieving itself.

He continues doing that. He jumps outside his basin and runs out passing by the kitchen reaching the other extremity of the house, i.e., the living room.

Unfortunately, I’ve realized why he always runs after shitting. One day I was in the kitchen making the dinner and I was forced to leave the kitchen with the smell coming from the laundry. One of these last days, he was in the basin and I said to my boyfriend “Prepare yourself for the fragrance that is coming!” The cat passed along the kitchen running, I’ve taken a deep breath and he said “I don’t smell anything!” After 10 second he changed his mind and said “What a shit, the cat his really a cagones!” So, what’s new?! :-D

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