Thursday, November 8, 2007


In these last 5 years I’ve been working at the university. In all this time I’ve been in three different offices. When looking back I do not miss those places. They were not bad at all, but in this office the silence is the characteristic which I most appreciate.

From today on, I do not want to go back to those offices. I have a strong and valid reason for that. Well apart some occasional fleas in this office, the other ones at this moment are being inhabited by rats.

Definitively, we are in a new generation: the recycling generation. The rats are helping on destroying plastic and creating some faeces. How nature is wonderful… Like Einstein said “we can just transform mass into energy and energy into mass”. However it is common in these days to have organic and non-organic products/mass. The rats are transforming non-organic on organic mass by a biological process. And as you know all the biological products are expensive.

On an economical point of view, the price of the biological product will suffer a raise, since a new biological method has been applied on transforming the inorganic mass. After a few calculations on your budget, you will say “Damn the rats”.

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