Most of people that reads this blog knows that usually I wear a hat, at least in the winter.
Many people look at me on the street, I know that. It is not usual to wear a hat in Portugal. Some colleagues say that I’m sweetie wearing a hat. My father says often that I remind him a cuddly toy. :)
I began to wear a hat just after reaching my financial independence and since then is a characteristic that belongs to me. I always wear the hat when I leave home. Well, depending on where I go, I wear different hats. The most used is the one that reminds my father that I’m a cuddle toy :) I have another one, for special occasions. Ok, I have two hats of Santa Claus and one of police officer, but I will not talk about these ones. :)
To buy a hat is not like a pair of shoes that you use everyday. Well, first you need to be sure that you can afford for a hat (that’s the most difficult thing to do), and second, you really need to find the hat that is the best combination with your personality. It is not an easy task. Last time that I bought a hat was at Cleveland (OH) and it took me 2 hours choosing the hat. Just don’t ask for the price, it was a stupidity, but it worth it.
And now, to finish my tribute to those who wear hats, let’s sing or... dance:
take off your coat
real slow.
Take off your shoes
I'U. take off your shoes.
take off your dress
You can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on.
Go on over there
turn on the light
all the lights.
Come over here
stand on that chair
that's right.
Raise your arms in the air
now shake 'em.
you give me reason to live - you give me reason to live -
you give me reason to live - you give me reason to live.
Sweet darling - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on
baby - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on.
Suspicious minds are talkin'
they're tryin' to tear us apart !
They don't believe that it is love of mine -
They don't know what love is - they don't know what love is -
They don't know what love is - they don't know what love is -
I know what love is !
There ain't no way - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on - you can leave your hat on -
Give me the reason to live - you can leave your hat on!
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